
Have you ever seen or talked to a person with autism? Autism is something you can only be born with. You may have heard people call it ASD too. ASD stands for autism spectrum disorder. Today I would like to inform you about Tipes, an alternative school that some autistic kids go to, the different kinds of autism, and how to be kind and inclusive to them.

Does your child need more support or help in their day to day school life? If you have a child with special needs, you will want to find the right school for them. It is not an ordinary kind of school. It is a school that helps them learn better, and educate them about different life situations that they find hard. These situations we might think are easier to deal with. This school has a specific name. That name is TIPES. Some Autistic kids love an inclusive school where it’s easier to learn, but others prefer a regular school where they can be taught the way kids are taught without special needs . The teachers goals in TIPES schools, is to make kids feel safe, as they explore their interests and full potential.

Autism is a spectrum. There are 5 major types of autism, with different levels. One of the most common kinds of autism is called pervasive developmental disorder. PDD affects social and communication skills. Parents may note symptoms even earlier than the age of three! PDD doesn’t only include autism. It also includes Asperger syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, and overactive disorder. The rarest type of autism is Childhood disintegrative disorder.A  website that is called What Are the Types of Autism Spectrum Disorders, Has a great way of explaining what Childhood disintegrative disorder is. Childhood disintegrative disorder is the rarest and most severe part of the spectrum. It described children who develop normally and then quickly lose many social, language, and mental skills, usually between ages 2 and 4. Often, these children also develop a seizure disorder. Based on the level of difficulty someone faces because of their diagnosis, it might affect their day to day life and we need to remember to be kind, patient and understanding to them.

One of the most important things I want to talk about is kindness. Kids with Autism may have a harder time socializing or understanding social situations.. You should know that if there are situations where they have a hard time, you should try to help them out. Some kids that have autism have a harder time dealing with emotions, so if they get really angry at you, just try to say sorry. For kids it makes sense that they automatically have to look at someone who is acting a bit unusual. Autistic kids may notice when someone is staring at them when they’re doing something differently. When noticing these situations, people should try not to make it noticeable or make them uncomfortable. So, if a kid that has autism is in your school, treat them nicely and maybe even try being their friend.

I shared with you what to do if you have or know a child with special needs. I informed you about the most common and rare kinds of autism, and I reminded you that the next time you see someone that’s autistic, be nice and include them. After all, if people were to take every person that is different out of existence, there will be no people left on earth!

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