Jewish Studies Term 1 Blog Post

This Jewish Studies term was intresting, and fun. We learned about the Jewish traditions and more.

The first thing we learned in Jewish Studies was why hebrew names are important. They are important because it represents our heritage. A name could also have very important meanings.

Next, we learned about the Brit Milah. We learned about how the Brit Milah became a thing, and details we needed to know. One of them was how there is a Brit Milah on the eighth day of the baby boy’s life. The baby boy also has to be the first born child.

Then, we learned about Pidyon Ha-Ben. Pidyon Ha-Ben is when the first born male Jewish children have a Pidyon Haben ceremony because of their ancestor’s participation of the golden calf. 

Lastly, we learned Shalom Zachar, which is the festive meal that takes place the first Friday night after a baby boy is born.

My favorite thing that we did, was making a Mishpacha project. The Mishpacha project is about your family history, and about you and your family. Two quick fun facts about my family, the first one is that my whole family and I, (sister, brother, mom, and dad) were born in Israel. The second one is that I lived in Canada for 4 years.

Now, here is my presentation

Hope you liked it!