Bar/Bat Mitzvas

When you reach the age of a bar or bat mitzva, you earn more responsibilities. The responsibilities include, being more aware of your actions, honor the elederly community more, honor you parents/family more, have more respect for people, and ext…

Using a Tallit and Teffilin is important because it reminds you in the way you serve G-d. Also, when you put on a Tallit and Tefillin you feel more connected to G-d.

What I think is very intresting about bar/bat mitzvas is that people celebrate it in different and unique ways, and it makes bar and bat mitzvas even more special.

The only questions that I still have is,

Is there a particular reason girls celebrate their bat mitvas in the age of 12?

Why not 11 or 13?

In conclousion, I am very glad I learnt about all the different traditions jewish people have in their bat or bar mitzvas.

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